Task 2 - Run Terraform

Task 2 - Launch resources using Terraform

All the components required for Lab1 and Lab2 are deployed through terraform.

Here is the Architecture diagram for Lab1:

lab1diagram lab1diagram

Perform the following steps in your Cloudshell console to create your environment.

  1. Clone the Github repo git clone https://github.com/FortinetCloudCSE/FortiWeb-Azure-ZTNA-FortiSoar
  2. Change directory to the cd FortiWeb-Azure-ZTNA-FortiSoar/terraform folder
  3. Run terraform init
git clone https://github.com/FortinetCloudCSE/FortiWeb-Azure-ZTNA-FortiSoar
cd FortiWeb-Azure-ZTNA-FortiSoar/terraform
terraform init

lab11 lab11

  1. Set the Terraform environment variables (check in dedicated the e-mail send to you by the organizers):

    1. export TF_VAR_fortiflex_api_user='<api_user_sent_in_email>'
    2. export TF_VAR_fortiflex_api_password='<api_password_sent_in_email>'
  2. Run terraform apply -var='username=UserXX' --auto-approve

    Your username can be found in the login email.
    Say your Azure account login is fweb11@ftntxxxxx.onmicrosoft.com, your username is fweb11

export TF_VAR_fortiflex_api_user='<api_user_sent_in_email>'
export TF_VAR_fortiflex_api_password='<api_password_sent_in_email>'
terraform apply  -var='username=UserXX' --auto-approve

lab12 lab12

  1. Terraform deployment takes atleast 25-30 min to complete. Please copy the output once the deployment is succeeded.

lab13 lab13