Background Procedures - CentralRepo Maintenance


CentralRepo contains all of the stuff Hugo needs to build a static website, including Fortinet Customizations to themes.

How it’s used

  • Generally TEC Program participants creating content for Workshops, Demos, User Cases, or Spotlights don’t need to worry about Central Repo at all
  • When you build your container, it inherently grabs the latest copy of CentralRepo:main from github, via this command in Dockerfile:
      ADD /home/CentralRepo
  • This means that you can re-use the same container for every TEC workshop guide you create.

    If you haven’t used your container in awhile, it’s a good idea to rebuild it so it will grab the latest version of CentralRepo

Repo Maintenance

  • CentralRepo is maintained by the Fortinet Cloud CSE team, so work with us to make any changes necessary.

  • Review, modification, and testing process:


    IMPORTANT If there is collaborative work while testing a PR, be sure to always pull latest from the PR Branch before starting new work!

         git checkout PRBranch
         git remote add <PR Label>
         git pull prreviewJune23
    • Upon successful testing, Fortinet Cloud CSE team will merge the branch to main and close PR
        git checkout prreviewJune23
        git remote add <PR label> <remote Github ssh URL>
        git pull <PR label>
        <PERFORM TESTIGN ON CONTAINER, and make any changes as necessary on this branch>
        git checkout main
        git merge prreviewJune23 --ff-only
        git push 
        <Manually Close PR>