Background Procedures - CentralRepo Maintenance
CentralRepo contains all of the stuff Hugo needs to build a static website, including Fortinet Customizations to themes.
How it’s used
- Generally TEC Program participants creating content for Workshops, Demos, User Cases, or Spotlights don’t need to worry about Central Repo at all
- When you build your container, it inherently grabs the latest copy of CentralRepo:main from github, via this command in Dockerfile:
ADD /home/CentralRepo
- This means that you can re-use the same container for every TEC workshop guide you create.
If you haven’t used your container in awhile, it’s a good idea to rebuild it so it will grab the latest version of CentralRepo
Repo Maintenance
CentralRepo is maintained by the Fortinet Cloud CSE team, so work with us to make any changes necessary.
Review, modification, and testing process:
- Anyone can fork CentralRepo and modify as necessary.
- Once you’ve tested your modifications, submit a PR to Central Repo
- Fortinet Cloud CSE team will merge your PR changes into branch ]CentralRepo:prreviewJune23](
- Test using HugoDevContainer pointing to the merged branch rather than main
./scripts/ ./scripts/
IMPORTANT If there is collaborative work while testing a PR, be sure to always pull latest from the PR Branch before starting new work!
git checkout PRBranch git remote add <PR Label> git pull prreviewJune23
- Upon successful testing, Fortinet Cloud CSE team will merge the branch to main and close PR
git checkout prreviewJune23 git remote add <PR label> <remote Github ssh URL> git pull <PR label> <PERFORM TESTIGN ON CONTAINER, and make any changes as necessary on this branch> <UPON SUCCESSFUL TESTING> git checkout main git merge prreviewJune23 --ff-only git push <Manually Close PR>