Task 2 - Container build
Task 2 Build a FortinetHugo container
You only need to build the container when you’re starting development
- Container rebuild is necessary when:
- CentralRepo has changed
- You removed/deleted the previously built container
- Container rebuild is necessary when:
Once Built, you can re-run the container whenever you wish to keep creating content and reviewing your Hugo site
You can choose your own container name and it MUST be lowercase only . Our example uses fortinet-hugo
The Full commands and explanation for building and running docker are listed below. We’ve also included a shell script in this repo to perform the build
./scripts/docker_build.sh [prod | dev]
- use
(Production) Container for everyday usage - use
(Development) Container for testing changes to CentralRepo or other background items
docker build -t fortinet-hugo . --target=prod
If you get build errors, check you’re on a recent version of docker and upgrade if necessary
- The container image is a point-in-time Ubuntu OS including a Hugo installation and a copy of CentralRepo so your Hugo formatting/themes/branding will always be up-to-date
- CentralRepo contains necessary files, directories, and Fortinet-specific customizations to configure Hugo, it won’t change often
- Command Line arguments (You can view our Docker build file here)
- ‘-t’: container_image_name, must be lowercase
- ‘.’: build the container in this folder
- ‘–target=prod’: Prod is for general usage. We’re using a single Dockerfile for both dev and prod container images. Dev is used for testing changes to CentralRepo.
- If you would prefer local Hugo install/development follow these directions
- Container advantages:
- no need to install/maintain Hugo locally
- no need to clone/maintain Hugo “supporting files/directories”….your repo will be much larger and will get out-of-date quickly
- same container can be used to preview and build EVERY TECWorkshop, and you could build/move it anywhere
- no need to rename/modify Hugo’s public folder after builds
- use