Ch 2: Protect Application

Log Into FortiWeb Cloud

  1. Using an Incognito browser, navigate to the below URL: 
  1. Input the username from the email you received from and click Next

FWeb login FWeb login

  1. Input the password from the email you received from and click Sign in

FWeb pass FWeb pass

For the next step, choose Yes. You do want to stay logged in.


Sometimes if you wait too long to input your password, you will get SAML login portal error “Error: SAML response with InResponseTo is too late for previous request” If this happens just click the small blue “Login” link.

  1. This will take you to the FortiCloud Premium Dashboard. At the top of the screen select Services > FortiWeb Cloud

Choose fweb Choose fweb

  1. If you have problems, you can always browse to, and click login. Select your account to proceed to the FortiWeb Cloud console.