Task 1: Perform a simple SQL injection attack

GoalPerform SQL injection attack
TaskPerform a simple browser based attack
Verify task completionYou should see that the SQLi attack is accepted by Juice Shop.
  1. Log into Kali linux: https://{{Kali IP}}:8443

  2. To avoid any DNS problems during this workshop, we’ll create a static hosts file entry on the Kali Box to resolve our FortiWeb Cloud protected application

    • Open the terminal emulator by clicking on the black box at the bottom of the Kali Home screen. At the prompt, type:
    sudo nano /etc/hosts
  3. When the host file opens, add the following 2 lines to the bottom of the file, and save it.

    • Be sure to substitute your FortiWeb Student ID in the fields

    • To save the entries use: ctrl+o then enter (to save to the same filename).

    • To exit Nano: type ctrl+x    <FortiWebStudentID>.fwebtraincse.com    <FortiWebStudentID>.fwebtraincse.com

      Hosts Hosts

  4. Navigate to the Firefox browser (located at the top of Kali desktop) and enter our FortiWeb Cloud Protected Juice Shop URL into the navigation bar https://<FortiWebStudentID>.fwebtraincse.com. Accept warnings and proceed to the application

    stud-home stud-home

  5. Let’s perform a very simple SQLi attack. To perform a SQLi attack append ?name=' OR 'x'='x to your URL. Be sure that you use YOUR NUMBER.

    • For example (be sure to use your studentId)
      • https://669.fwebtraincse.com/?name=' OR 'x'='x
        The attack will go through, and you will see the Juice Shop Home page